Well, my efforts to find Shellshock live 2 have fallen flat. However, Kawwiirun 2 has now bee added to the MMO games section! I gotta say guys, I really like this one. It's much more fun than the first, and with an even larger amount of characters!
Get to racing!
Happy new year everyone!
Click for fullsize
Well, I've complete the downloads banner now.
That's basically all I have to say...
Oh, and I've started a let's play seris on youtube:http://www.youtube.com/user/gamerman3434?feature=mhee
Well, do you guys like the new site look?
It's pretty boss!
I'm working on updated banners for downloads, blog, and forums, so don't worry.
It' amazing what Photoshop can do, isn't it?
Ok, so I've recived a poll comment that shellshock live 2 needs to be put on this site.
I assure you I will do this ASAP.
Sorry it's been so long since I've done anything here. My main focus has been stinkoman: FCQ.
Anyways, I added a new game to the others area. Also, a short while back I tried to post a game I made in some game maker I found on newgrounds.... I can't get it to work.
hope you enjoyed the halloween theme. it's over now...
christmas theme will be up soon.
For those of you who are out of the loop, my stinkoman comics have there own site now. So I gave them a link on the main page. Also, where undergoing matinance right now, so The site may change a lot. It shouldn't effect yop
As my disclaimer says, I can read the "other comments on my poll. One such comments was to stupid not to make fun of... Ready?
Click it to make it bigger. Anyways, let's talk about this.... I am not sure how to describe how stupid you have to be to do something like that... I find myself baffled by this.... I mean, if your going to do a lame insult like that, at least bother to make sure that it's not already a poll choice.
And while I'm talking about this pic, if you look below, you'll see some wrote (with caps lock on apparently) "GAYIEST SITE EVER!" with "gayest" spell wrong.
That sir, is true genius. I SUPPOSE I WOULD BE THE GAYIEST STE EVER IF I HAD MY CAPS LOCK ON LIKE I R SHOUTING AT YOU AND I HAD RUN ON SENTENCES LACKING PUNCTUATION!!!!!!!11!!1ONE!!1OH AND SPELLED GAYEST WRONG!!!!ON1E!!!!!  Oh, also apparently don't go to newgrounds or armor games. As it turns out, free online games are gay. 
Next, someone wrote "needs a spell check" This is unfortunately true... Luckily for you peps Firefox now does that,
so my spelling should get better.
Lastly, someone wrote bleh. I would mock that too, but that was my friend... So what evs.
And that concludes our rant for today. So remember: I can read those. Don't have yourself become an example.
Gamerman, out!
Blah Blah blah excitement. Blah blah blah click here.
Blah blah blah lame joke. Blah blah blah conclusion to post.

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